Sunday 5 July 2015

After "The Grey"

a) On the 6th July 2015, while watching the movie The Grey which starred Liam Neeson, about some people caught in a cold and snowy landscape after being caught in an aeroplane crash, I started to think about people being pursued by aliens coming out of the haunting snowy, it seemed almost ridiculous to sit through the film and have all these ideas coming through. However by the end of it, I realised that Ridley Scott was a producer so maybe I might forgive myself

b) My first thought was to think about the aliens as if they were a pack of very active wolves behaving much like Jim Cameron's leaping multiple acrobatic aliens and then after I had the idea of things that were more like abstractly shaped stiff golems erupting from the ice after millenias of being entombed in the ice and snow . They were suddenly breaking out because humans were passing by and they were being willed alive by this strange eye like thing. It wasn't very much I know exactly that interesting an idea.

c) However, I had been having the concept of this strange eye in the sky manifesting in a vortex and looking down on the humans as if in pursuit. I was having some awful ideas such as what if this became The Mummy 4, as a sort of Tomb of the Cybermen or Borg, and then this strange being from thousands of years ago had layed out traps thousands of years ago so that people would be swallowed up by these cybernetic sarcophagi lying in the ground and then begin a transformation into biomechanoids that erupt from the ground.

d) Or what if there were these strange long winged flying face huggers come out of the vortex and they wrap themselves around the victims like strange leathery sarcophagus that drill into the ground and begin to transform their prey impregnating the human victims with life cybernetic forms that transform the victims into biomechanoids with highly exaggerated transformed biomechanical bodies, and remains of their human biology could just about be made out.

e) There  were also the mental associations rising to surface again from the time I had seen The Mothman Prophecies. What if the alien were something that came into this reality from a place beyond the limits of our present time and space almost flittering in and out like a moth. Of course none of this would mean anything to the fan of the films, but instead is an attempt at having thoughts to get out from the limitations of thinking along with these films.

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